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New Post 2/10/2011 2:30 PM
User is offline KJ
243 posts
6th Level Poster

Re: Waterfall acceptance business process  


Your diagram articulates the crux of the process. Basically, each group reviews, updates and sends an accepted draft forward to the next group for review. The company approver finalises, accepts/publishes the document.
Here is my take on it, without showing the partitions.< i tried to upload an image but it did not work; I'll try later>
Here are the steps.
2. create document
3. review
4. approve
5. if error/issues, update goto 3 publish draft report
7.if more reviewgroups go to 3
9. publish document.
10. end.
Steps 1-2 are the original authors
Steps 3-7 are for each group (local, national, company approver, etc).
Steps 8-10 could be company approver  or the original authors
warm regards,
New Post 2/11/2011 1:26 AM
User is offline KJ
243 posts
6th Level Poster

Re: Waterfall acceptance business process  

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