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New Post 9/4/2015 3:59 PM
User is offline Sprasad
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XML and a BA 

My current role is leaning more towards that of a systems analyst. I have been asked to understand data mapping requirements between xml and sql.

I know SQL very well; limited xml. Not exactly sure what i need to study or learn up.

New Post 9/12/2015 5:50 PM
User is offline Chris Adams
323 posts
5th Level Poster

Re: XML and a BA 

This sounds like a case of knowing what your manager has asked of you.  You may have to go back to them for more explicit instructions.  Does your company have a company wide standard XML data structure for defining and storing data?  Are they asking you to map an existing SQL data based structure to the XML data store?  

Never be afraid to ask for clarification.

Chris Adams
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