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New Post 9/2/2010 7:36 AM
User is offline John S
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Re: Prototyping - experience and tools 
I'd make one of the stakeholder groups users. Concentrate less on tools, more on showing users prefer the prototype to what programmers want to build. If the users are achieving something with the prototype they aren't getting with alternatives, then you've got the basis for buy-in. There is no User Interface without users.
New Post 11/9/2021 3:18 AM
User is offline EsmiRik
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Re: Prototyping - experience and tools 
Modified By Chris Adams  on 11/9/2021 10:01:13 AM)

I use Balsamiq. IT companies near me advised me this tool. While it's not necessarily designed specifically for ready prototypes, like some of the tools mentioned above, it is a great place to create website wireframe mockups. But it can be used for more than just websites. Balsamiq is great for sketching product design, web apps, desktop software, mobile apps, and user interface wireframes.

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